Gen Placen

4 years ago


DO NOT COME HERE FOR PRE-NATAL AND POST NATAL CARE. I was pregnant for 310 days and to that result my baby passed away at what was thought to be 37 weeks and 5 days. Come to check my pregnancy tracker said 310 days. Women are only supposed to be pregnant for 280 days, I was over pregnant for a month. This place is the absolute worst. I never was taken care of by a regular doctor. I saw a doctor all of 4 times during my pregnancy. The last time I saw a doctor was to tell me there was no heartbeat. The doctor I had on that day was Dr. Stern, while he was remorseful he still managed to have a attitude. When I was admitted into labor and delivery I was bombarded with all the questions about a autopsy, burial, cremation and etc. I opted for a autopsy as I had a feeling they wouldn t be able to find a cause. The autopsy couldn t be done because of COVID-19, that seemed to be the excuse for everything. Mind you, our state was days away from re-opening. In labor and delivery the nurses and mid-wives were sweet and attentive while I was still with child and during labor. The only one s that were awful was Dr. Dill and the nurse assigned after labor. Dr. Dill was sooooooo rude and didn t even acknowledge me or my pain. I hated her but there was nothing to be done. I had my baby more than 24 hrs after being admitted, yet I was able to WALK myself out of the hospital less than 10 hrs after a very hard and painful labor (as this was my first child). After I had my baby girl I wasn t even offered to get a picture with her and the nurse felt I was a bother for asking for her height at birth. When it came time for my first pee after the epidural and labor, I got my damn self up and walked my damn self to the bathroom as I was also put in a room with NO call button and I wonder why... . When it came down to my daughters paperwork her name was misspelled on every piece of paper. The social worker kept calling my baby a fetus which felt really insensitive as she was far past being a fetus, which is ironic because she was supposed to console us. When it came down to baptizing my daughter the reverend was so dry and unemotional it was just horrible. He stood there for all of two minutes murmured some words and left. Overall this experience has brought on a new hate for this place. I ve never dealt with such unprofessionalism and unethical treatment. If I could give this hospital 0 stars I would.


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