Buzz Hill

3 years ago

After waiting through the pandemic work stoppage, ...

After waiting through the pandemic work stoppage, they were finally able to insulate my attic with blown-in cellulose.

Before they could get started, they had to remove the existing insulation and sweep all the bays. They couldn't just blow in cellulose on top of the old stuff because the original insulation had been installed upside-down with the vaper barrier on top. Also, we had 15 light canisters to be covered and sealed, as well as a bathroom exhaust fan.

Our roof ventilation is through a ridge vent with soffit openings all around the house. To maintain that air flow and not clog it up with the blown-in insulation, they installed baffles between each roof rafter all around the perimeter.

They came with 30 years of experience. They were prompt and worked hard in our hot attic. They started by laying down plastic to protect our floors. We had taped plastic from our ceiling to form a defined pathway for them to traverse. That worked well, but this is dirty business, so we still had to vacuum and mop after they finished.

After the removal work and the prep work was done, they blew in the insulation. They set up rulers at several location in the attic so we could see how many inches of insulation (16) they had blown in.

They finished by installing an insulated tent over the attic door opening. That allows entrance to the attic, while insulating the opening.

So, we think they did a good job. We would recommend them to those who are looking to re-insulate their attic with blown-in types of insulation.


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