Olivia Buckwheat Kelly

3 years ago



This is an incredible camp! I went to MMR in the mid-80s and have wonderful memories of my three years there, and now my oldest daughter (age 9) went for the first time this summer. She had a fabulous time and ended up winning the Happy Camper award! This was her first time away for two weeks and she did not know anyone when she got there.

Last week she told me she was "camp sick," meaning she missed camp so much :) She will be going back next year, and her younger brother will definitely be joining her! And their youngest sister will be following a year or two after that.

Beyond the wonderful activities and beautiful setting, the camp is small and family-like, and they are very communicative with parents. I felt good knowing that I could text the "Mom Line" with any concerns, and that I could email my daughter and they would print out the email for her to read. (I also love that there are no electronics permitted.) It's rare to find a camp that is family founded and operated for generations -- you can tell the Ellena family is doing this because it's their way of life and they love it!

Obviously, I would highly recommend this camp!


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