Ernesto Ruffaldi

3 years ago

Already a country that seizes the passport for mon...

Already a country that seizes the passport for months for the issuance of a residence visa proves to reason with extreme arrogance towards the citizens. Then when they deny residences of people who bring in their country thousands of pounds because they think they are missing photographs and not give no chance to send them but cancel everything causing problems without limits to families or because according to them the signature is not exactly centered in the appropriate box on the form; they perform acts that they know are ridiculous. A country whose economy is based on thefts (pirates) and colonialism capable of impoverishing poor countries and not bringing growth and evolution and now starting to pay the bill; and then, bye bye dear England, bye bye to your lack of hygiene, bye bye to your trucks that pick up the dustbin (including wet) every two weeks, vortions that you are nothing else. Hello hello to your narrow streets where you run like crazy on cars with rumbling and pounding volumes to volumes impossible, hello hello to your many boisterous motorcycles and your entire generations covered with paleolithic tattoos, rings everywhere and where they blend the most extreme shortcomings of ' absence of decoration. Hello hello to your supermarkets with obscene and inedible food where you buy pajamas, maybe with slippers and of course with the socks without even being combed. Hello hello to your young people who are only to get drunk with poor quality beer in rivers and that in the pack go around exercising bullying vulnerable bystanders. Hello hello with your people attached to money that shows a great interior miserability and your messy, dirty homes, the total absence of the bidet and your funding to increase mental health care. Goodbye to your young grown up without being able to demonstrate their emotions, victims of a distant and frightened, and wild adult world. But keep your country. What to lose, it's just you. You, part of a country where institutions do not serve the citizens but exert power over them, because you have no history, and your barbaric way of thinking, unfortunately, Anglo-Saxons, is based on arrogance. Far from our country and we from you, because we have thousands of years of history. You must learn from us. And we must prevent corrupt and delirious policies from changing our beautiful, beautiful country into a Europe where those who, unfortunately, command the lobbies of another Anglo-Saxon country, overseas. If there were, in these realities, an interest in doing things well, these reviews would serve something, but in the arrogance of imposition, they are useless, if not to allow the drafting of an opinion.


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