Sofa King

3 years ago

Your vision can t see past your building!!

Your vision can t see past your building!!

WHY? Why has it become the church s goal to stimulate its members with all the elements of a rock show (minus the alcohol and crowd surfing) when they ve come to gather on Sunday morning for a much higher purpose than to be entertained?

It's a shame how much of your time, money and energy is put into luring people to your campus. You keep asking people to invite everyone they know! Is this so you can start another building fund for Canyon Country?
Rather than simply stepping out into the neighborhoods around you and partnering with the amazing things already happening, and the great things people are doing, you seem content to franchise out your particular brand of Jesus-stuff, Doing what ever it takes to get people to come in the door!!

A Church in Ojai California is selling its building, The pastor says he is tired of writing checks spending money on the building and upgrades that could go to people that need it!! he plans to hold services in different locations throughout Ojai and the congregation is more then happy!! They don't need a big building light shows fog machines!!


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