
seth allen

3 years ago

I highly recommend Bikram Yoga Williston.

I highly recommend Bikram Yoga Williston.

It is a very clean and professionally run state of the art hot yoga studio.

There is plenty of parking, nice changing rooms, accessible bathrooms and great showers.

But that is not why I highly recommend it.

The reason I recommend it is because of the welcoming, empowering and fully inclusive non-judgmental community that comes top down from the fiery owner Erin (and her loving frenchy familiar Fig).

Erin, Alexa and the entire Bikram Yoga Williston teachers and staff are highly knowledgeable and have spent many post class sessions answering my yoga questions (technique, form, which muscles to engage, modifications, should I come to class tomorrow? yes of course, etc ).

After nearly 6 years of physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, crania sacral therapy, dietary changes, injections, medications, and . I can't remember the other things I tried, but hot yoga was the only thing that relieved the back/neck pain I had that was so bad that I couldn't sleep or drive my car for more than a few minutes without squirming all over trying to be comfortable.

After about 6 months of hot yoga a few times a week, 95% of my issues dissipated, I lost 15 pounds, and I was also able to return to my main activities of jiu jitsu, cycling and running.

If you want to have something good in your life that will help you in all other areas of your life, go to Bikram Yoga Williston!

It might just be the best decision you've ever made.

As they say in yoga . . . Namaste

Seth Allen


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