
smart dust

3 years ago

Horrible. For 10 mos I had been very sick with an ...

Horrible. For 10 mos I had been very sick with an uncurable disease. Since there is no cure, FL Hospital only provides psych referrals. However my holistic Doctor and a very large active patient community enabled me to self treat, and it helped me to find some relief for a while. The disease eventually destroys the nervous system, brain, and heart. When the disease spread to the chest, causing several heart attacks, my family was on board when I called Hospice. The Hospice personnel said they needed a physical address. Since I had traveled for my medical care, I was not at my home address. This raised red flags because they thought I was homeless. They called 4 Police officers to my Hotel. It was the most horrific public display. They questioned me loudly, in front of other residents, about my personal health issues. I chose not to take off my bandages and display my never-healing wounds. It is none of their business. They asked me a lot of questions about being homeless; which I am not. They were concerned about suicide, and even more importantly, wanted to know if I intended to hurt another person. This was unbelieveable! I am barely able to walk, throwing up daily, and never so much as had a traffic ticket or any desire to hurt another person or animal. I had enjoyed a phenomenal career and did much volunteer work during my life. The hotel management was not happy with presence of law enforcement on the property. Heavy police presence hurts business, and they are struggling like so many small businesses. Thank goodness, they know me well, and they have been very kind. This Hospice organization is simply another vulture group, looking to assess the assets of the dying. I am a Christian and believe that God has guided me away from these Satanic people. This incident has shown me how important it is to make plans with those who share my beliefs; not those of some International corporation.


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