Aamir Patel

4 years ago

Very very poor business, from the workers and own...

Very very poor business, from the workers and owners to the drivers. Stay away at all costs!!!!
We had ordered some top soil to arrive on the 26/8 at 3PM, in which we had made arrangements for landscape designers to arrive and men to help with the unloading. The driver arrived at 4:15, who firstly started throwing his hands up, started shrugging his shoulders and waving his arms about when he could not find parking, when there was a space available outside our property.
When the driver finally came round and parked up, we advised him to park his van closer to the unloading position required, and reversing his van into our drive. The driver started complaining that he had already been done for stopping roads before . We advised that we will stop the traffic for him, all he has to do is corner reverse the van into the drive, a simple task any common driver would be able to do. The driver said he will try to reverse in, otherwise he ll go round the block and try again. He also stated that he ll come back tomorrow, we advised that that should not occur as we have had men paid and planned to come today, and he should at least take another attempt.
We stopped the traffic for the driver who had to do a simple corner reverse his van into the drive, which has been done previously by big lorries and trucks. Instead the driver with no communication drove off, we waited 10 minutes for him to come back round yet there was no sign of him.
After this weird occurrence we contacted BG fencing, we spoke to Derek who stated he runs the place and that he s sent the driver home. We advised that we need the soil today and we have planned and paid for landscape designers and men to come at the agreed date and time. Derek kept stating that there s nothing that he can do except tell the driver to try again tomorrow, forcing for us to take a refund instead, which was not our intention.

We then went to visit BG fencing as derek was just implying us the ultimate option would be putting through a refund. Derek then stated that there is no point causing hassle for 20 quid worth of soil showing that BG fencing favour customers based on how much they pay them. When questioning this statement derek declined to comment anymore and walked away, leaving us to talk to another staff member. When questioning that the order was late and how simple of a task it was, and to recall the driver, they advised that we will sent him back tomorrow and there s nothing that they can do besides a refund. This same statement was repeated for over half an hour, pressuring for us to leave with no answer as their business was about to close. When questioned that our road will still be busy if the driver comes tomorrow, the staff member had no answer, and then ultimately changed his answer to we will give you another driver then . BG fencing did not consider the external effect that their driver s lack of confidence had caused, and the loss to ourselves with the workers called, with not a mere apology given by BG fencing, threatening to call the police for no reason.
As we were not getting anywhere with BG fencing, we had to take up the refund, pressured by the staff members kicking us out and putting the alarm on as they have closed with our query unresolved.
As we were processing the refund the owner came in, stating that he ll get us done for trespassing as it s passed closing time with no apology or remorse that his company had caused. This owner started threatening us, stating that I will make sure that you don t get your soil from anyone in Preston , one customer is nothing to us and good luck getting your soil from anywhere now .

This bad customer service and lies could have easily been overturned by contacting the driver to come back and attempt to park his vehicle in the desired position, yet BG fencing declined to do this.


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