
maliyah Jamison

4 years ago


PLEASE READ !!! THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST APARTMENT COMPLEX EVER. In Jan of 2019 I hit the apartment complex sign so I wouldn t t-bone another resident who was also sliding out of the apartments when there was the level two snow emergency. IN FEBURARY OF 2019 on the 28th CHAMPION PROPERTIES ACCEPTED & CASHED THE CHECK ISSUED FROM MY INSURANCE COMPANY (Grange) FOR $9000+ I EVEN HAVE A COPY OF THE LEDGER SHOWING THE CHECK WAS CASHED AND CLEARED. The PROPERTY OWNER & MANAGEMENT have literally been harassing me for $2500 because my insurnace company only paid 80% of what the sign was worth because it was built in 2005 & Champion properties quoted for a brand new sign but of course insurnace only covers the amount owed to replace the sign. They have put illegal notices on my door saying I owe $2500 in rent saying they re going to evict me and I owe $0.00 in rent they used the amount they didn t get from the insurnace company and slapped in on my rent ledger which isn t legal & I checked my original lease and it says nothing about the tenant being held responsible for damages that has been covered by the insurnace that they accepted a check from. ITS NOW MARCH, my lease is almost up and I applied at a new rental agency they called me to tell me I owe $3000+ dollars in rent !!!!! I called the gardens they said I don t owe rent when they sent a copy over to the new rental agency they added rent on that s not even due yet for APRIL 1, and put the difference they want for the BRAND NEW SIGN. Mind you the original sign that was was built on 2005 & it s 2019 clearly there is a 20% depreciation. They refuse to take it of my rent ledger which is wrong because I OWE $0 rent. I ve called there management to speak with an attorney and they never have one in the office, but they called my mother yesterday & asking if I wanted to renew my lease and she asked why would I renew my lease when they have told me and put it on paper NUMEROUS TIMES THEY ARE GOING TO EVICIT ME FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE THAT WAS COVERED BY MY INSURNACE. They have yet to evict me and continually threaten me. DO NOT MOVE HERE !!! I have lived here for over a year and 3 months and I d rather live in a hole than this place.


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