
3 years ago

Why is everyone so rude

Why is everyone so rude
1. I tried to call a week early to see if I could make sure we have rooms next to eachother or joined. They could only find one reservation
2. Called 2 days before asked the same question they said it was no problem. Until we called to see if we could check in early and no note was made and no one knew we wanted joined rooms or rooms next to eachother. The person in the phone even said "I had no idea that's what you wanted."
3. we show up 30 minutes late because they stressed no early check in, only to find out we will have to wait another THREE HOURS for one of our rooms to be available.
4. They said they would get housekeeping to our room to clean it for us. The room is next to ours, everytime we pass the room we see the maid sitting on the entertainment center on her phone. While we are waiting. We ask her if the room was ready she moved into the room. 10 minutes later we came back walked into the room and she sitting on a chair still her on her phone. THREE HOURS later we get a call our room is ready.
5. We asked for a late check out thinking it was the least they could do. the response we get is "Ummmmm, we dont do that here" and we explained our situation to which the reply "yeah, we we still dont do that here."
6. We tried to go to the bar, Asked 3 people for a menu and no one even made eye contact with us. After 20 minutes of being ignored, I only say 20 because after a considerable amount of time we started timing them, but no one acknowledged us.
Yeah We wont be coming back


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