
4 years ago

I am an accountant with over 5 years experience a...

I am an accountant with over 5 years experience and I can confidently say that Cafua Management is the worst place I have ever worked for. In the first six months of working at Carfua, I had seen the worst employee turnover that I had ever witnessed. The strain on the accounting team was at a breaking point since I started and it likely had been that way for some time, but management did not seem concerned and simply let less important things fall to the wayside while the more important items were slapped together to get them ready even at the cost of sound accounting practice.

One of the major issues during my time at Cafua was cash management. Instead of charging an employee with the task of monitoring and funding the appropriate accounts at the appropriate time with the appropriate amount of cash, management decided it would pay on average $1,000 per day in late fees so they could maintain control over cash flows. When I brought this up to management (supported by a quarter s worth of financial data) I was scolded for suggesting we could avoid these fees if we funded the accounts on time. This example showcases the level of ineptitude amongst Cafua Management s executive staff. They simply don t care so long as they can maintain a frat-bro relationship with the owners. Accounting issues that can be resolved simply and with tremendous financial savings are shut down due to the Cafua brothers desire to maintain control over the company; a company their father built and handed to them.

The pay is not competitive, executive team is uninvolved, and middle management is so belligerent off the workload that they are too stressed to manage their teams effectively. The executive team informs the department that they must meet unrealistic deadlines and the management team does little or nothing to fight for their employees. I was informed that the owner s approach to the accounting department is this: The stores make the money, not the accounting department. And unfortunately, that is the exact sentiment felt by the accounting team every day. I can tell you that right now the accounting team at Cafua Management is falling apart and it is directly related to management's lack of concern. I give Cafua Management one start because I could not give them less than one, which would be more than they deserve. Stay away from this company at all costs!


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