Brittany Cottrell

4 years ago

As always, the environment was clean and soothing ...

As always, the environment was clean and soothing and the staff was warm and welcoming! It s always cheery dispositions and kindness when visiting.

I ve only had a conflict with one provider who was quite judgemental at my initial ultrasound and insinuated that I didn t know my cycle (I ve been tracking for over 10 years), clearly assumed it was an accidental pregnancy (it was absolutely planned and my IUD removal at the same clinic four months prior would ve been an easy way to screen that out), acted surprised that I was as far along as I stated I was (again... I track my cycle activity) and she completely ruined my first ever ultrasound with her negative and judgemental attitude. I have spoken to my current provider about her and advised that I would NOT like to see her again. She was more than accommodating.

Otherwise, 5 stars!!
(You can t judge a place for one grumpy person. I m sure she s a stellar doctor, but won t be mine! You only get one first ultrasound of your first pregnancy. At 34, this was something I planned very carefully and it was sad to be treated so rudely when it should ve been a tender moment.)


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