Lyle Pakula

4 years ago

Similar sentiments as Kelly Taylor. My kids have ...

Similar sentiments as Kelly Taylor. My kids have delivered for Kathy Weston for a little over 5 years. They went from $90/mo down to $36/mo. In June she didn't pay them, and then proceeded to blame our kids for losing the cheque (that is ALWAYS stapled to the delivery list). She told use to wait until next month.

This month we get our giant $37 cheque, but no back payment for the missing cheque. My wife texts her to either pay the back pay or pick up the flyers since $37/mo isn't worth the hassle. She then threatens to call the police for her harassing her, as well as fining us for littering, and wanting us to pay HER $12.

Highly suspicious how much their pay decreased, and how other carriers are being treated (stole from?) by the same distributor. Flyer Force, listen up and either fire or reprimand distributors like this.


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