Fran Smith
Review of Boss Management

4 years ago

Stay away!

Stay away!

Their sheer level of incompetence is staggering. You are treated like a number not a person THEY work for. Remember, they are to represent you and work for you, as you pay them a cut of your wages. But that is not how Boss works. The snotty, curt, brash and totally uncalled for telephone and text mannered (if you ever get an answer at all) people that work there will ruin your career.
Within a year these are some examples of what they people at Boss has done:
- By law, you have to get paid two weeks after you work but Boss doesn t issue your pay 3-5 weeks later, saying production hasn t paid. Yet, when you do get your Cheque it is actually was dated within two weeks of working.
- forget getting any sort of penalty pay from production when you are cut 6 hours before work. Boss will tell you can go and try getting it, but it s better not to make a problem.
-communication, what communication?? Within their own agency there is little communication as they will double book you for auditions and background. Then get mad at you for it. They do not answer their phones or texts, saying sorry I don t check my texts even though they texted you in the first place. When you have questions or concerns before 10:00am, good luck. Furthermore, they are rude, curt and plain offensive on the phone. When you have questions or are just trying to actually help them, they text/email and say that the re just confused. I guess speaking to an actual human is impossible there.
- they will get you in trouble on set as they will miss listing specific instructions as to what, when, where or how you should look like when you get there. And even after they own up to it, they will use it against you.

-foster you career? Ha forget that. They are not there to help you advance but probably derail your career in and outside of the film. Just lookat the other peoples posts on here, that is a snippet as what goes on.

Sonya May or may not know what kind of people she has working for her. She might want to find out and fire them, as everyone in the field thinks Boss is the worst.


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