4 years ago

Kids rides... Great

Kids rides... Great
Lots to do... Great
Safari.... Aweful
Price.... Aweful
Let me explain, the park itself is not bad, its clean and well looked after from a visitors view, however it takes way too long to get around the small safari part of the park. I think it took us 2 hours as there is traffic, yes you heard me right, traffic.... The gates that help keep congestion down definitely did not help keep that under control. We waited, and I'm not exaggerating, 15 minutes to move 2 car spaces. We saw very few animals once you enter the bigger cat/dog/elephant side of the park. This is where the car is constantly running and people were clutch riding to get up hills as the car queues were literally bumper to bumper, how is this any good for the animals? Im also very disappointed that you can feed some animals too (camels and deer etc) again this shouldn't be allowed in my opinion, plus this causes once again more traffic as every other car stops to feed an alreast fat animal. The entrance fee is very expensive for it not to include at least one free ride. Not one staff member mentioned the time scale of waiting and waiting you would come to experience at the park. Truly disappointed. If you do go, make sure you have a late afternoon drive in the park, and do the kids rides in the morning /afternoon


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