Cassandra Cline-Gerasimchik

3 years ago



We went to Plano location TWICE for SEVERE abdominal pain that has been going on near 3 months. They deemed it as constipation. Went to Dallas ER location a week later, and they admitted us for failure to thrive. Refused to run a CT scan even though my sister in law (who is also a ped doctor) told me we needed one ASAP. They were slow and uncaring. Not a single doctor or nurse showed any emotion to my child screaming and crying in pain. FINALLY got them to admit it wasn't constipation (this is almost 2 weeks later). We got discharged with NO RESOLUTION by an intern, and come to find out the GI doctor had wanted us transferred to Our Children's House since my CHILD HAD NOT EATEN IN 6 DAYS. Scans and bloodwork showed elevated WBC and PROMINENT LYMPH NODES. Which I guess is just fine? When we were discharged, they said it was functional abdominal pain, which he would grow out of. So basically, my child who won't eat, cries constantly, hardly moves....just needs to suck it up. Sent all the results to my sister in law who consulted with a ped oncologist and they said we should see an oncologist to RULE OUT LYMPHOMA. This place is a joke. The doctor's do not communicate. The nurses sit at the nurses station on their phones or on facebook or media sites on the computers. I walked up and overheard nurses talking badly about my son who "wouldn't *&%*ing calm down". Sorry my child is in pain? I will never come back to this place. EVER. I hope they get sued someday.


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