Ashley McRoy

3 years ago

If you want to support a real estate company that ...

If you want to support a real estate company that disrespects veterans and treats them like garbage, then you should use Coldwell Banker.

We were paid tenants of a homeowner that was using Coldwell Banker to sell her house. Our lease still had 4 months left when she decided to sell. We found out she was going to sell when a CDA Coldwell Banker agent called me AT WORK to INFORM me that she would be doing a walk through of the home. Literally, we had NO idea the home was going to be sold prior to this contact. When she called, she was pushy, demanding and rude. She insisted that a lock box would be put on the door so that anyone that wanted to see the inside of the home could do so in a timely manner.

The following day after her walkthrough she wanted to come back AGAIN to take more pictures. Keep in mind that we made sure the house was clean and tidied prior to her coming by, each and every time, and always felt violated after her and other CB employees had left. After her photos were taken and posted online, a friend called us letting us know that pictures of our valuables, such as our large flat screen tv were included in the photos on the website, making us nervous of a possible break in. There was also no note on the ad or on the realtor sign out front asking potential buyers to not disturb the tenants, so we grew accustomed to people knocking on the door and peeking through the windows several times a day.

After that, her and other employees from the office would call and inform us what time they would be doing walkthroughs with potential buyers, and this was happening every day, and on several instances multiple times a day. In the meantime, my husband and I both work full time jobs and my husband was a full time student as well. We also had two dogs and a cat (all 3 agreed upon on our lease). So every time they wanted to do a walk through, we had to come home from work, taking unpaid time off during working hours, to secure our pets. We didn't want them getting out and lost, and we didn't know any of these people and how they would behave around our pets.

They decided that they would also have several open house events in the home while we still lived in it, and we hadn't even started packing yet, considering the duration left on our lease. The homeowner had made no agreement with us at this point to allow us to terminate our lease early so she could have a clean and empty home to show, and we did not want to accrue penalties for terminating early without an agreement. So while they're hosting open house events in the home, with all of our belongings still in it, we had to PAY to board our pets at a facility on those days to ensure they would be safe and secure (we were new to the area and did not yet have family or friends we could bring our pets to).On no instance was reimbursement for those costs presented to us. We were also told that under no circumstances were we allowed to be present for the open house events.

One day, after a showing had already been done that day, the office called letting me know that they would be doing another walk through with some buyers that day, without giving us 24 hour notice (legally required by the state of Idaho), thus not giving us adequate time to request time off from our employers. When my husband said no, they're welcome to come the following day, the agent called him, yelling at him and threatening him. She went on and on about how we have no rights as a tenant and owner's rights trump any minute rights that a tenant may have. She would only back off when he threatened to call the police.

She would consistently schedule walk throughs, and when we would take unpaid time off to be there, "potential buyers" would conveniently not show up, completely wasting our time and money.

The day before our scheduled move, the agent called us insisting that she host another open house, knowing good and well we planned on moving that day, since we had already told her twice. We were once again met with attitude when we reminded her we would be there, moving our stuff.


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