Salvatore Di Maggio

4 years ago

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

It would be very much appreciated if YOU could be so kind as to facilitate us find a British lawyer, in Brussels, or in Rome, practicing European Community law in particular the application of the European Directives, No 653, of 1986, and Directive No 123, 2006, as related to the correct applicability to the Italian real estate market development.

Why do we think of British lawyers' superior trustworthiness in their exercise of their profession? More serious Trustworthiness!

The individual case is that of an Italian ex globe trotter, a little more like British at heart, especially as a victim of the confusional interpretation of the above mentioned law, by the State Courts administrators, even though most a judges have been very staunchly trying to apply the law as it was intended to.This is all very well documented by judiciary documents a sentences. There has been something like a confusional war game to keep him away from getting what was due to him.

Here is how the press has initially reacted before being gagged. "Rich on paper, but stripped for money! Il Messaggero di Roma.." Other national newspapers called him the , the Poor Millionaire and other curious different definitions for each of them. Readers, International Digest has titled the definition this way: " .... a Crazy judiciary happening that only in Italy could have taken place!"

If any of You know of a good serious British lawyer or have kind patience and time make it possible to help us find a sensitive and competent lawyer on the subject, it would be ivory much appreciated facilitating a n eventual contact or meeting as soon as in the days after Christmas and before New Year. Otherwise in the first opportunity of the new New Year.
Thank You in advance for Your kind attention...and place keep in touch:
Salvatore Di Maggio, Giardino Italiano dei Diritti Civili

and greetings and best wishes for a Merry Christmas!



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