Jozef Harrewyn

4 years ago

Ladies ans Gentlemen,

Ladies ans Gentlemen,
My sons and I lost mom, my beloved wife to cancer close to three years ago. We were in a dark place. Approximetly two years ago I was introduced to Williston Bikram Yoga by my friend, yoga instructor and teacher Alexa. I had never done yoga in my life. I have now been practicing for close to two years. This practice has been and still is one of my biggest challenges.It is extremely, athletic, spiritual, cleansing, difficult, rewarding and very uplifting after a 60, 75 or 90 minute heated yoga class. The most amazing part of this experience for me are the WBY instructors. They are very dedicated to the community and the well being of us whom practice, they have taken my spirit strengthened it and moved me forward with my life after our loss. Thank you WBY.
Jozef James H.


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