Ryan Huang

3 years ago

I am shocked how these people could call themselve...

I am shocked how these people could call themselves doctors.

The ER "doctors" do not understand the very basics -- they sent my wife home twice when she was experiencing excruciating pain in 2016. They refused to do an MRI on her saying it has radiations and would hurt the baby (she was 4 month pregnant). Are you kidding me? CT has radiation, but MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Image and it's the BEST alternative to CT because it's just a huge magnet -- perfect for pregnant women. My wife's OBG was out of the office for 3 days and they refuse to do anything until she's back. She came back shocked at the fact that they'd refuse to do an MRI on my wife and said that if we had went to Peoria, one would have been done on the first day. They gave her morphine for 3 straight days for her pain and that supposedly doesn't hurt the baby!? Turned out she had a severe pneumonia infection seen on the MRI. Had it been delayed further, the disease could have progressed further and both my wife and the baby could be in danger.

Then in 2017, I went in again after slipping and fell. They put skin glue on me and I was in and out in no more than 1 hour. They sent a $4000 bill to my insurance company, resulting in a $1500 bill for me. Seriously? They should just go rob a bank. To compare the costs, my wife had an emergency in New York City and had to stay in the hospital overnight and the bill was only $900! Seriously, is OSF kidding? Comparing the cost of living of NYC to here in Bloomington IL, you would expect the bill from NYC to be much bigger right? Despite being a "in network" hospital for my insurance, they certainly charge "out of network" rates and that's absolutely evil. They call themselves a catholic hospital but there's nothing catholic about them -- they don't care about you or anyone else!


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