Marc-Norman Klinge

3 years ago

Amazing experience and service!

Amazing experience and service!
We had a breakdown with our campervan while driving through Rockey mountain house.
It was lucky that the garage was close by so we spent the night on the parking lot to let them have a look at it the next morning.
We figured out that our transmission is burned ... Worst nightmare when living in a van.
So we had to order a new one. They also tried everything to find the cheapest one possible for us. Sadly the shipping time turned out to be a week, so we asked the owner if we could sleep on the parking lot for this time (we couldn't move anyways) and he was super friendly, let us stay and use the waiting room + wifi and plugs ... He even said if they would have showers, we could have used them.
After a few days of living on the parking lot all the staff knew us and was super friendly, on the weekend the owner itself came to the parking lot even though they were closed to take us for a ride in his car to show us what we could do in the town.
And after a few days of waiting the service person who was responsible for us told us, that his friend wants to sell a van, same model as mine just a bit older for a price less then what the transmission would cost and that we should check it out ... So we ended up buying this van.
They took the transmission out for us and put it in my van. Also they replaced a few rusty parts with better parts from the other van to safe time and keep the costs for the work low.
The solution with the other van safed us much time and money and we were back on the road sooner then expected which made everything way more relaxed in the end.
Overall the staff was super committed to our problems and they did everything to help us.
It sounds strange but it was actually a great experience living on this parking lot and in the end we were even allowed to fill up our water containers

Thank you for everything Edward's Garage :D


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