Elana Adorno

4 years ago

Needs a lot of changes. I recently went through la...

Needs a lot of changes. I recently went through labor in this hospital a few days ago and if it was t because my doctor is associated with this hospital I wouldn't have went. I have to say that the nurses that assisted me were nicely mannered but weren't as through as they should have been. The nurses in the baby room were horrible. They left my son covered in his own feces and didn't even bother to wipe him up until one of my family members said something half an hour later and even when they did wipe him up it wasn't a wet wipe of any sort. Just a dry tissue and slapped a diaper over him and called it a day. I wanted to breastfeed and was never offered the breast pump to help my breasts lactate. When I spoke to my doctor she said she placed the order for a breast pump during my stay in her report. Guess what, I never got it and mind you I have 4 different nurses and not one of them offered even though they had seen it in the notes. They weren't very j forming. The hospital rooms itself were so tiny the baby car just fit by. Although my nurses were all nice to me they barely checked up on me. The first night the baby was at the nursery but the second night I had kept my child with me for fear of the nursery room as all my family members have described. During the stay of my child with me at night the nurse has not once come check up on me not the baby. During that night I had gotten a new neighbor and I kid you not, she had 6 different nurses cater to her as well as giving her the breast pump. I didn't even know I had the option of using a breast pump until that night which was the night before I got discharged!! I would never go back to this hospital again. This hospital needs some serious changes in management as well as some courses for nurses so that all nurses would be able to provide the same information to all patients. I'm in school for healthcare management and this is one of the best examples as per lack of management. And all this is BESIDES the other half of my stories of during labor and on my way up to the room. How I wish I was able to find out the name of the nurse that almost ex tipped the clear bin over with my newborn child of one hour inside of it!!!


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