Nya Sweet

4 years ago

Unforunately for low income families, Barker Realt...

Unforunately for low income families, Barker Realty holds the contract for City of Raleigh city owned homes. I applied under their affordable housing potfolio that i totally qualified for. I was rejected because i had a balance of $0 owed on my eviction record from a property i lived several years ago. According to Bill North, manager, the only way i could be considered for the city owned apartment was to have the $0 balance removed..impossible. He was very rude, disrespectful, and arrogant on the phone as if i was getting on his last nerve. He basically told me i was nobody special and he couldn't do anything special for me. With every question i asked he continued to get more agitated and continued to repeat himself saying no im not gonna do that for you. A $0 balance owed means exactly that! There was nothing to be removed. I got in touch with Mrs. Lancaster at City of Raleigh and she made them overturn the decision. I was called by Veronica, Bill's pet, the next day and told i could come in the following morning to sign my lease. She emailed me hours later, just at 5pm..knowing it was the end of the business day and i wouldn't be able to dispute that by 8am... to tell me another lady had been approved and was coming in to sign the lease. During our phone conversation she told me i had to bring in my security deposit in money order form and secure renters insurance for 300,000 listing barker realty as business of interest. That cost me an additional $40 down payment..wasted money when im already low income. I feel like this was done out of spite for going over their heads. I emailed Bill's supervisor, Minion, as well as the owner Mr Barker himself, and never received a reply. They are completely insensitive and down right discouraging people to deal with. I pray that City of Raleigh pulls their contract and finds a more credible property management company so that low income families will not be subject to such harsh treatment


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