Parker Owen

4 years ago


WARNING! DO NOT GET THIS SERVICE!!! Simply put, for the past month the service has been cutting out (sometimes for hours at a time) on a regular basis. I can never seem to go one day without it just shutting itself down. "You try rebooting everything?" Well, as a matter of fact, I did. So the family called tech support, and suprise suprise, the person told us we had a virus! Funny story...I know how to manually find and remove viruses from computers and phones. Wanna know something neat? NOTHING HAS A VIRUS!!! These people in tech support aren't worth a damn because no matter how much you beg and plead, they won't help you besides telling you it's your fault. In Springfield you can get an upwards of 100 Mbps. For these frauds (paying over $100 a month) will net you 0.2 or 0.3 Mbps. We live LESS THAN A MILE AWAY FROM ONE OF THEIR TOWERS! IT SHOULDN'T BE CUTTING OUT EVERY DAY!!! It's not worth it. Even now it's not showing internet on my computer so I'm writing this review on my cellular data. Don't make the same mistake of buying from these jerks. All they want to do is milk you for all your money and throttle your internet speed. Lucky for them they're the only service in the area...if I could buy from any other company that has RELIABLE internet I would switch in a heartbeat...I'm a college student and I can't even get my assignments done in a timely manner. And don't even bother looking at the replies from the other one star responses. All they do when they reply is use some stupid cookie cutter response like "high-speed internet and reliability is our utmost concern". That's a bunch of lies. And if they reply to this comment and say I'm not a customer, well guess what I don't use my real name on my Google account. I don't like using my name on the internet for safety reasons. But I have been using this service for nearly 7 long years. They don't deliver on their promise and con you out of your money since they basically have a monopoly and can do relatively whatever they want.


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