Badger StateLimousineService

4 years ago

Now we all know the Media in this country is prett...

Now we all know the Media in this country is pretty unreliable and at times extremely slanted, but when I read stuff like this I can't help but get worked up. My first red flag is the Word "Prestigious Christian School", Is not this a true Oxymoron? when I think of the true teachings of Jesus Christ, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Rich man who turned away from the Lord because he couldn't give up his riches and follow Jesus, this also brings into my mind these Preachers with Million Dollar Bank Accounts, private fleets of Jets, and taking 4 to 5 collections from their parishioners during their services. If this truly happened Not only should that staff be fired, but those Punks should get to experience a Little prison time....Maybe they can get a little dose of what they were dishing out. I can't help but think, what are they actually teaching these kids, that they would partake in such awful deeds against someone who should be taught is their Brother and that they are to value others above themselves. Saddly enough this is just another example of how far we all are from God, and how much we need to seek His face and not the face of Man. If the Lord was in these peoples hearts as they claim He is, I just can't see this type of Evil taking place....I attribute this entire action to Watered Down Preaching and Zero Annointing. The other sad thing is this kind of junk has been done by those in athoritive positions for many many years, while others look away, trust me God is not looking away, and Judgment will start in the House of the Lord, and anyone who does this to God's little ones it will be as a Millstone around their neck. I would hope that those who read this will take some time out of their busy day and just say a Prayer for this young man, that his faith in God and Justice will prevail, and Pray for true Revival to begin in Men's hearts and minds.


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