Kurt Massage

3 years ago

Some friends and I from the trendy hotel spa where...

Some friends and I from the trendy hotel spa where we were work decided to go see the Lady Gaga act at the Legends show. Gaga was good when she stuck to the hits but when she did two songs from A Star Is Born the energy sucked right out of her act.
In fact, the entire show had very little energy. The show is more for older people and there were only about 20 people in the whole audience because of it.

The Whitney was talented but Gaga and Whitney were not enough to save this show. There is very little here for anyone under 40 and my friends were very bored. The only rapping in the show was from a chorus girl in the beginning.
This is a Brandon Missouri show failing in Vegas. This show MUST get some younger hipper acts for Vegas or it will not be around in another few years. The younger generation like us don t really care to see Elvis and Frank Sinatra or Michael Jackson since that documentary came out about him. I mean I know these old acts were classics to our grandparents but we were like... who? This could be a hot show if they appealed to younger people more too. Get some acts from this decade! Where s the diversity? Get some Latin flavor some rapping, more dance acts!


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