4 years ago

The center itself is really good, but most of the ...

The center itself is really good, but most of the staff are just terrible. I had heard things from people previously but decided to check it out anyway.
And their customer service is really just awful.

They closed the pool and told Everyone to just get out without Any explanation At All, not even by the pool manager that came down. Everyone was just standing around waiting for them to say something or explain the situation, Nothing.
Turns out someone had vomited in the pool, as we overheard them discussing it and WE had to tell other people, other parents (that I did not know) also commented as to why They didn't just tell people what was going on? It was so strange.

You really need to train your personal properly, how they need to communicate with people if they're going to work in that kind of setting, it's very unprofessional, immature and juvenile.

I even saw one short haired blonde staff member waiting in line for face paint at one point with a line of small children behind them, making customers that paid for entry (and most likely parking) to wait? What's that about? Never have I seen that before at any establishment I've been to.
It would have been really good, it's just their staff at the Parc Really let the place down.

Oh I went to go throw rubbish in the bin too and it was overflowing (mind you there are all these people in the kitchen just standing around) I had a lady standing next to the bin say "disgusting isn't it.."
Even in the changing rooms nappy bins are overflowing, no write up on the board when the last maintenance was done, obviously hadn't even bother with it. Funny that there are so many staff members just walking around not doing anything.

I wanted to get a membership to this place but I'll definitely pass until they start training or hiring proper staff. Probably just get a membership to somewhere else tbh.


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