4 years ago

I read most of the "reviews" of this hospital, and...

I read most of the "reviews" of this hospital, and I cannot imagine what people expect in an Emergency Room.

If a person comes in with pain and chronic issues (like kidney stones, or other chronic and painful conditions), they NEED TO SEE THEIR PRIMARY PHYSICIAN for PAIN MANAGEMENT, FIRST.

Women delivering babies? Get over yourselves. Women have babies, every day, across this planet and some of them deliver under the most dreadful conditions imaginable - unsanitary facilities, unsterilized equipment, filthy linens, and NO medications available. You are not the first woman to ever give birth and you will not be the last. Be a little more appreciative that you have access to health care and hope that your baby is born healthy.

Rude? Well, then tell the staff, politely, that you are upset, uncomfortable, in pain, frightened, or whatever your issues are, and to please be patient with you. SPEAK to the staff instead of demanding to be "cured," immediately. If you speak to them with understanding that you are only ONE of many, many other patients, you'll be amazed at how differently you'll be treated. "Thank you," and, "Please," go a LONG way from a patient.

If a patient enters the ER with chest pains and heart palpitations, you had better believe that they're going to run every test imaginable because they are going to do everything to avoid a law suit in case the patient expires and to TREAT a condition if it is life-threatening.

And, no - I am NOT involved in the health care industry, in any capacity. I've spent countless hours and days in the ER and hospital rooms with life-threatening conditions, and other conditions that only seemed life-threatening.

Be grateful that you're not in Zimbabwe.


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