Will Richards

4 years ago

COSMETICS, like Cher and Dolly Parton going at it ...

COSMETICS, like Cher and Dolly Parton going at it in a pool of jello, SDM Dundas Square (SDMDuSq) and SDM College Park (SMDCoPa) are at it tooth and claw. Sunday shopping for fix-it basics: eye drops, lip balm, polysporin and Epsom salts (yes, there are unscented packages available, sometimes well away from the scented - think cosmetics versus medicinal) as well as Sunday shopping for the treats that takes one out of the door looking like a million bucks at both locations. Shout out to SDMDuSq's Kiara (M, T, W days only - One part magic, one part whirlwind, two parts talent, this unicycle-riding, Dior Diva knows her stuff: packing away saggy-eye bags, tinting tell-tale black circles and white-washing red eyes).


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