Andrew Mcneilis

4 years ago

My experience has been simply dreadful. I personal...

My experience has been simply dreadful. I personally would not recommend this firm to anyone.

Wrong bills, take forever to answer questions and when / if they do, the email will be a protracted defensive justification of inaction.

Our property ended up unsecured due to actions taken- with the main gate having to be left open for all to access our private common areas.

Check your invoices/ demands. You'd need carol vordaman to understand the perverse logic. My demands have been wrong including items such as lift maintenance when, you've guessed it, I don't have a lift. Likewise a recommendation for fees to do gardening when we have asphalt common areas. Genius.

They have let contractors working on other properties actually given access to park in our private areas! Unbelievable.

The piece de resistance has been their imposition of a new access gate configuration due to their desire to insist on health and safety standards re child safety only for the gate to lock firmly shut in the event of a power cut. That they did not check this scenario during the configuration is beyond the pale. Residents locked in and out of the only access point. Hardly safe, and hardly healthy.

Imagine having to scale a 12.5 foot iron gate to get to work?!

If you are looking for a managed agency I would steer clear of these people. There is no "class" in this "act" but lots of fluff and nonsense.

A good example is when they acquired the book of business ( years ago) they lost our contract for services. In the same letter explaining that it had been lost the director responding had the gaul temerity and perhaps tongue in cheek humour to insist on this firm being very professional. That's right, we've lost your contract but we are professional.

A joke. On demanding a new copy contract they insist it will come - so far so bad. Nothing. But a citing of ARMA-q quality standards nonsense.

Complaints are meant to be handled within 21 days. Hold not your breath on that benchmark. My experience is not so.

If you have group property insurance ensure these people follow up on all claims where third party are st fault.

In summary, I'd sooner put my writing hand in a food blender than ever have to talk to these people again.

They are the oxymoron of property management


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