Rodrigo Vasquez

3 years ago



Two nights ago I went to get some things out of my locker and found that someone had cut my lock, replaced it, and stored their stuff there. I ve been in communication with the Property Manager, Djordje Todorovic, trying to get answers.

Now, every locker room has its own key, which is only given out by Mr. Todorovic s office after confirming ownership. His office also maintains a spreadsheet matching storage lockers with residential units.

Despite this, Mr. Todorovic is unable to explain why I wasn t contacted if a dispute over this locker arose and can't provide any information as to who is currently using my locker.
It seems extremely unlikely that another resident would be able to even gain access to the locker room, let alone have the confidence to cut someone else s lock, without contacting the Property Manager first.

More worryingly, when I asked who had approved my lock being cut, Mr. Todorovic responded that if you are confident that the noted locker belongs to you then you shall take a position [sic] of this locker. The locker is treated the same way as your unit or parking spot. Property management has no authority whatsoever on the locker access.

Mr. Todorovic has shown ZERO CONCERN for the private property of the owners in the building. In fact, while claiming to have no authority over the lockers he suggests I take possession of a disputed locker if I am confident that it belongs to me. It's likely that whoever cut my lock and took possession of my locker and belongings was told the same thing, since this is not the first time this has happened to me in this building.

You see, in 2017 Mr. Todorovic was approached about "a locker" that was occupied. Without even asking which locker, he told the person to go ahead and empty it, if they "believed" it belonged to them. My lock was cut and ALL my belongings were removed. Mr. Todorovic was extremely unhelpful in helping me track down the person who had emptied my locker, despite having their contact info on hand.
Even then, I was only able to recover my belongings because the person who removed them felt bad throwing out someone else s things and stored them in a nearby building. Had they simply listened to Mr. Todorovic, everything in my storage unit would have been thrown out and I would have had no recourse.

Once again Mr. Todorovic has claimed IGNORANCE, ZERO RESPONSIBILITY, and is TOTALLY UNWILLING TO HELP. He has refused to send an email to the residents of my building so that whoever is using my locker can contact me (directly, since he appears to want no part in this matter). His only suggestion was to put my contact info on the locker door, which is absurd since most people don t regularly go to their storage, while he has the ability to reach every owner instantly. I've received emails like this before from his office, so I know it's possible.

He was even unwilling to give me the contact info for the Board Of Directors so that I could ask them for assistance, which is completely inappropriate.

I lost confidence in the Property Manager in 2017, with my first experience having my locker taken over. Back then I added a second lock to my residential unit since Mr. Todorovic's advice was that if it s not a common element, and you believe it s yours, you should simply take it.
Why does his office have a database of owner info, and control access to the locker rooms, if they WON'T LIFT A FINGER in order to prevent property loss?

To tell unit owners that he has no authority over lockers (or parking spots, or residential units) while encouraging them to take possession of someone else s property if they are "confident it s theirs, without first checking his own detailed information, is LAZY, UNPROFESSIONAL and UNETHICAL.

I will not cut someone else s lock and take possession of their belongings without doing my utmost to contact them first. I firmly believe that should also be Mr. Todorovic s position, and am alarmed it is not.

If this has happened to me twice in less than three years I suspect it s a systemic problem that must be addressed.


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