Nour Koudsi
Review of The Switch

4 years ago

I would advise folks considering The Switch Compan...

I would advise folks considering The Switch Company to be very cautious when dealing with them. I contracted The Switch Company for my villa's switches and spotlight dimmers and my experience was negative to say the least.

To provide more context, I upgraded my villa and installed new spotlights & transformers. As a next step, I was seeking dimmers to complement the spotlights/transformers already installed. Accordingly, and to ensure I avoid any compatibility/noise issues, I reached out to The Switch Company and provided their management with the specs and details of the spotlights/transformers installed, requesting that they provide me with dimmer options that are compatible with my spotlights. The details were provided to The Switch Company in writing (via email) and their teams were provided access to my villa to ensure they had a full understanding of the system in place. Accordingly, their management provided me with an email confirmation stating that their dimmers were indeed compatible and The Switch Company s management reassured me (in writing) that I would not face any noise issues/problems.

I trusted their management s written and verbal confirmation, made the payment and had the dimmers installed. Post installation, specific areas controlled by the dimmers resulted in noise when the spotlights were switched on. The Switch Company s technical team and their management visited my villa numerous times (which was appreciated) and concluded that there were compatibility issues with my spotlights/transformers (feedback was provided in writing). When I requested that they address the issue, The Switch Company s team stated that we should have consulted them before proceeding with the purchase. When I provided The Switch Company with their management s email whereby they confirmed in writing that their dimmers were indeed compatible with my spotlights/transformers (i.e. I would not face noise or problems), The Switch Company still refused to address the issue at their end. Instead, The Switch Company (shockingly) requested that I change my spotlights/transformers, which were installed from the very beginning... unbelievable.

If you decide to deal with The Switch Company, I would recommend that you structure payment terms so that payments are deferred to post installation so that you avoid being in my position, out of pocket dealing with a horrible outcome.

Note that the following is in response to The Switch Company s inaccurate statement posted on July 30th 2020:

The Switch Company claims that the issue in the affected area lies with the transformers & spotlights (which are global/high quality brands). However, to entertain their claim we conducted a few tests (through a third party & The Switch Company) in April/May 2019. The following were the details and results, which were also captured and shared with all the stakeholders in writing in May 2019:

1) Area with noise disturbance:
- Action taken: We maintained the same transformers/spotlights and simply exchanged the defective dimmer with a properly functioning dimmer (a dimmer from an area not emitting any noise).
- Result: The noise disturbance reduced/ceased. The only variable that changed was the dimmer.

2) Area without noise disturbance
- Action taken: We maintained the same transformers/spotlights and simply exchanged the properly functioning dimmer with a defective dimmer (a dimmer from an area where we had noise disturbance).
- Result: We started having noise disturbance/buzzing sound. The only variable that changed was the dimmer.

Conclusion: the dimmer was the only variable directly related to the noise.

Yet The Switch Company is blaming others - no surprises there as it s reflective of the customer service mindset I received.


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