Mike Schmidt

4 years ago

Where do I start...?

Where do I start...?

I was referred by a lender to help increase my score to help get a really good rate. I was all for it. I checked reviews, typical all over the board. But I figured I'd give it a go.

I started off being told I'd just need a 90 day program (max). That came and went. Then just another 60 days. I called to cancel. Just a while longer!!! It never seems to end.

I have spoke with the gentleman for the last time today. And let me tell you....it is a challenge getting out of their program. Be aware!!! When you say you want out...don't take no for an answer. Do not let them keep you in against your own judgement. They will definitely want you to stay in longer for "just one more round" of investigations. And they will be the one that makes the biggest difference!! Its all bull$#!+.

They did some good for me but had a very hard time getting out of their program. To CC Credit...when we say we want out...let us out. Quit trying to talk us into staying in longer. I don't care what your people say is good for the customer. I was too nice with you.

Unhappy Customer.


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