

3 years ago

I recommend caution dealing with this company

I recommend caution dealing with this company
zero integrity / zero loyalty.

I had a very bad experience with one recruiter Jeffrey.
He fatigued my references and still dropped the ball by ghosting me.
All I want to do is to serve.

Redhorse wasted my, and my references, valuable time.
With some type of off ,standard 20 question application that I had to send out to three of my references.to answer.

The references were all favorable.
And then I was ghosted for two weeks after that.
He played me for backup without informing me of that.
wasting many hours of precious time,when looking for work.

it appears Redhorse does not understand or even care that,what they call "resources".
Are actually human beings with,other people dependent on them.
( living creatures. ) hello !

I don't get it,this company was a big waste of my time,at a critical.
time for our family.

And get this !
The government uses this so-called talent placement
redhorse, for critical government job placement.

Very sad set of circumstances !
I recommend caution dealing with this company

Jerry freitas


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