Summer North

3 years ago

In high school I was blessed with the opportunity ...

In high school I was blessed with the opportunity to go to this school for free with a scholarship I am so so grateful for. I ve worked so hard to try my best to succeed in getting a degree and reaching my goals, but due to staff at this school my goals have felt impossible to reach. Don t get me wrong, there are a few wonderful teachers who I was very fortunate to get to have and they taught me so much and have helped me in my goals, but some teachers were rather lazy and could care less about how their students do. They are only in it for the paychecks :/ not to mention I have tried multiple times to get help through counseling and advising and I was given incorrect information and I had asked for help signing up for classes as I was new to a program and the woman I was working with forgot to add a class to my schedule.. a needed class for the semester. My program must be taken in a correct order and the course I didn t get to take was only offered once a year.. I am now an entire year behind on getting my degree at this school. When I found all of this out I did try to find an alternative, but I was told it would not be possible for me to start the next semester and just take the class late. All over a 1 credit class :/ this isn t the only time I have been given false information through this school, there is a pattern of this happening that myself and others I know have experienced.
I gave 2 stars because I am very grateful for the few teachers I had who really cared about educating their students and making sure they had good futures, all the staff in the veterans department whom I ve come into contact with, and the help staff/volunteers in TLC have provided.
I am still trying very hard to reach my goal in getting a degree, but I often regret not going to a different school.


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