A Google User

3 years ago

A symbol of lost Polish opportunities.

A symbol of lost Polish opportunities.

A nation of 36 million, without a single automotive brand :( Only assembly plants for foreigners. Technical education mainly to the professional stage. Those who finish Politechnike often work - yes, on managerial positions, but not as engineers. And mainly after branches of foreign companies.

A Pole as a worker, not an engineer! Isn't that what Adolf Hitler wanted for Warsaw?

And not one post-communist family earned money from the collapse of this factory. With the technological possibilities, the Polytechnic on site, the location in a well-connected place, this plant had a chance at least for Skoda's fate!

There is no historical monograph that would reliably describe the fall of FSO. Maybe because the responsible are still alive, and the mismanagement or even simply the embezzlement they have committed, even if their responsibility for them has already expired, it would put a shadow on their image. These are the families now most often "defending" democracy, their judgments and freedom of speech by pursuing all who dare to write something about them on the internet.

"Capital has no nationality, capital has no nationality!" - Do you remember how they told us? Indeed: / We see it just on the example of Huawei, Samsung or even an American Apple, whose equipment - yes - is assembled outside the USA, but the technical thought is developed only in the US and is meticulously protected, and its copying ends in the billion ($), damages to deter competitors. Nobody protected our thoughts or even let it develop. And the car designs from this plant were often more innovative in the 1970s than the western ones. In later years, the same projects were introduced in the West. Today they are on our streets in the form of worn-out, imported from Germany or France, kicking with lumber lumber. Because enough Polish fitter can only afford.

For 30 years of so-called free Poland, no production plant of the size of era has been established. Not one!

Let's draw conclusions from this by going to the elections!


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