Jessie Robinson

3 years ago

The first thing I will say about this school is th...

The first thing I will say about this school is that the student population is one of the rudest and meanest student populations in the country. Everyone I have met at this place is all about appearing cool and smart, and if you don't go to school here you are looked down upon. The dorms are absolutely terrible here and most buildings are made of concrete. Most state universities are the pride of the state but I don't think people view UMass that way. The school used to have friendly students and a low tuition/fees, now it is the exact opposite. When you go to Umass you are paying for a college experience, your not paying for a quality education. Public schools are a major part of the downfall of society, and this school is a perfect example of a school doing that. Every time I have been on this campus I am not acknowledged and if you don't conform to Umass standards you are an outsider. I understand education is important but the students/staff could at least show some respect to people outside their clique of Umass society. Umass has gotten better in some aspects but in many aspects it is still failing. It is not a open minded campus. I think most people who leave this school are so absorbed into a career mindset that they forget that life is about more than just a career and income. A major problem with universities especially UMass is people choose a very narrow path of education. People should be interested in many different fields of knowledge rather than what their major is. Education continues after leaving a school but Umass acts like it ends when you leave school.


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