James Doe

4 years ago

Manager and head of maintenance are sneaky at Polo...

Manager and head of maintenance are sneaky at Polo Club in Marshall, like they got a love-hate going on and this been happening for years. This place is totally ghetto now that the old grounds keeper became manager. She don't know how to be a manager or take care of residents problems. She blames the maintenance dudes, the main office, and her leasing agent for anything she can and refuses to take responsibility herself. This manager position went to her head in a big way.
She makes sure she kicks people out who challenge and question her.
A friend and me saw the manager and her mom digging thru dumpsters the other day-that is embarrassing. They act like scrounges taking stuff left from apartments after they move out. Collecting other peoples junk is what they do. We can see more than she thinks.
There's more than you can imagine going on here!! It ain't the residents, it's the manager. Since she became manager she thinks she's above all of us, and she brags about how she pays less for her apartment than anyone else does. Having fun times on office money-must be nice to have someone flip the bill. Maintenance don't even have tools to fix things they say. Maintenance tells me alot and they have to humor her so she stays off their backs and don't run to the main office.
She wouldn't give me a carport close to my place, but lets her family members use the one next to her. Looks down on us all like we are dirt since she got a car, became manager, and has the main office people fooled getting away with stuff cause they don't know all her schemes yet and they ain't close by. My neighbor just told me that she is going to quit when she finds a new job because she hates her new boss and everyone at the main office. I hope she quits sooner than later!
I hate going in the office to drop my rent off cause I know what a liar she is. If I say anything to piss her off she will somehow royally screw me over, so I am stuck til my lease is up and If she is still manager then, then I am moving out!! She has no business being in the position she is in that is for sure!! People are moving out all around the place cause of her. Try another place until they get a good manager in there is my suggestion.
Maybe fooling the main office but she ain't fooling the rest of us at Polo Club for sure.


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