
3 years ago

I was fortunate to come to SSP thru a referral of ...

I was fortunate to come to SSP thru a referral of a good friend. I was motivated to join a gym because my BMI was off the charts, I had a shelf full of unused exercise DVDs and a lifelong desire to become fit. They say the teacher will appear when the student is ready. I was unaware just how ready I was- when Meg (my personal trainer) came into my life.

Everyone at the Gym is so supportive and interested in my well being, but Meg knows me and where I am in my fitness journey. In my semi private lessons and women s happy hour group she instructs, guides and encourages me into becoming a better version of myself and discover my inner jock. I am confident in knowing that I am receiving excellent instruction for my age, level of fitness and body type that will last me a lifetime in whatever personal fitness endeavor I choose.

Whether you are a person who has a life long desire to become fit, recreational or professional athlete with specific training goals; Seattle Strength and Performance offers all of the expertise, motivation and guidance in one outstanding fitness center.


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