1 year ago

They send me an email requesting contact from me, ...

They send me an email requesting contact from me, using an attachment containing an address where I no longer reside for 15 years
I contact them and then they call me back asking me to pay a series of telephone bills for around 500 euros, dating back to 2008/2009/2010 with a company that was divested in 2014 and from which they claim to have purchased the credit in 2022.
I obviously dispute both my residence at the time at the address where the supply would have been active, and the enforceability of the credit, which is now more than prescribed. They reply that "definitely" there has been an interruption of the statute of limitations because the transfer of the credit itself from the telephone company to them was published in the Official Gazette in 2022.
The contest that no registered letter has ever arrived at my address is that simply sending it by email does not represent anything official. I also ask you to provide me with proof that in these 15 years the statute of limitations has actually been interrupted.
They reply that it is I who has to prove that their credit is uncollectible and that in any case in an "amicable and extrajudicial" setting they are not required to give me anything. They offer me either a balance and an excerpt, or to go to the carabinieri to make a disavowal of what has been requested.
I think I'll opt for the second .. (but okay??), adding a nice complaint for attempted extortion ...



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