Joseph L Markert

3 years ago

This is an accounting and review of my 1st and 2nd...

This is an accounting and review of my 1st and 2nd visit to your Emergency Room.
October 19, my first visit
Staff seemed friendly, knowledgeable and caring. I was in pain for 2 days, unable to eat, swallow or sleep before going to the ER.
These are the symptoms I reported.
1. Pain level 8-9
2. Unable to swallow, water or food
3. Severe pain in L ear
4. Ringing in R ear, louder than normal
5. Fever and cold sweats
6. Whole left side of throat from ear down to adams apple in pain
7. Abscess in throat
8. Unable to open mouth as normal
I was prescribed Augmentin, I asked for a pain med and was told to take Ibuprofen or acetaminophen. As what seemed to be an afterthought they gave me a booster. One of the Doctors looked at my throat and either failed to see or act on the abscess. Wait time for the booster was 15+ minutes. I was then released or as I felt, kicked out. I use the term kicked out because one should expect that when reporting to an ER to leave in a condition better than when reporting. That was not the case, I was still in severe pain and unable to eat or drink. I wanted to argue the denial of pain meds, but I m not the Doctor and having never had this condition before did not want to challenge an expert.
After picking up the augmentin I went to the cafeteria to try and eat some ice cream. I had to force feed myself because the pain was too great, I did not finish.
Over the next 3 days I endured extreme pain, hunger/nausea and little sleep. I continued taking the augmentin, forcing food and water. I know I was not eating or drinking enough because I only took in what I had to in order to take the meds.

October 22
Saturday night into the AM it started getting worse. At this point I m no longer eating or drinking. The back of my tongue feels bumpy, rough, burning and expanding. I feel my airway is now constricted. I cannot talk or open my mouth.

October 23 my second visit
These are the symptoms I reported as written on paper
1. Pain level 8-9
2. Unable to swallow
3. Severe pain in L ear
4. Severe ringing in ears
5. Fever and cold sweats
6. Back of throat is burning, feels rough, dry and constricted
7. Not eating or sleeping since October 17th
8. Lymph glands severally swollen
9. Mouth numb at times
10. Fever and cold sweats
Within about 5 minutes I was moved to another room, they got me hooked up, pain meds were given and pain subsided or was numbed. Dr. Runyan did what I feel should have been done on the first visit. Opening up and draining the abscesses. As painful as that was there was a marked improvement immediately and I felt relieved. After my release you could almost say I had a normal day.
With all that said, I am thinking about retaining an attorney, for what I believe to be neglect on my first visit, prompting the second visit.

I have detailed my experience to the best of my ability.

So with all that said I am not trying to put blame on any one individual, but do believe a mistake was made in regards to a Lack of Appropriate Service and or Lack of Service and Quality once again prompting that second visit.


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