Elizabeth Todd

4 years ago


Extremely shocked that having been referred to Community Safety Glasgow by Police Scotland (Shettleston Road Police couldn't be bothered either) your response was "sorry we are not covered by legislation to take any action, bye".
So, no action on late night (midnight-ish) argueing, late night music, late night washing maching, late night parties, late night door banging, etc etc for almost 4 months now. I think most people at one time or another have suffered at the hand's of anti social tenants or at least know someone who has and it is not nice, we lose sleep, which effect us at work, we are always on edge wondering if it will be a quiet night or not, and worst of all we get unbelievably angry with the non-action/non-help from the authorities. The Management at both Police Scotland and this Council/Police funded Agency (supposedly a registered charity, but then again so was Kid's Company !!!) must look into their own neglect/poor response towards this ever growing issue of anti social neighbours.

N.B I was told not to waste my time contacting this Community Safety Glasgow "as they are a useless bunch of ********" by one of my other neighbours after the Police failed to attend, and they were 100% correct.


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