Anony Mouse

3 years ago

One of our largest employers here in Westminster, ...

One of our largest employers here in Westminster, MD is the Penguin Random House warehouse. Over 400 people work in it's two buildings to sort and distribute books for the company.

They have chosen to remain open during this pandemic and have taken very few additional precautions to protect the employees who work very closely together in an enclosed environment.

They issued letters yesterday, to every employee, for them to show law enforcement that they are essential and must be allowed to work.

This publisher / distributer is risking their lives, the lives of their families, and everyone they come into contact with in our town.

The employees are scared to work, but also to stay out of work due to possible repercussions and the use of all of their allotted time off.

Their families are scared and angry over this financially driven corporate decision.

We, as a community, do not support this and strongly urge everyone in the book world not to support this company or to follow the example they have set in our home town.


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