Rhett Barton
Review of AMP Security

4 years ago

Updated Review:

Updated Review:

True to his word, Jason took the time to reach out and to listen patiently to all my concerns. He assured me that the feedback I gave was noted and would be passed on to the sales reps. I appreciated his willingness to listen and will choose to give him the benefit of the doubt on this. I hope sales reps will take note: stick to the truth. AMP has good equipment and excellent customer service, so use those as selling points rather than misleading the customers on the "great deal" that they "can't pass up".

I still recommend doing your research and make sure that AMP is the right company for you before agreeing to anything.

Customer Service: 5 stars
Quality of Equipment: 4 stars
Sales Experience: 2 stars
Overall: 3.5 stars (I'll mark 4 since Jason went above and beyond)

Original Review (2 stars):

TLDR: Do your research before agreeing to anything and don't let them pressure you. The system itself is fine, but I probably wouldn't enter into such a long contract at such a high rate if I could do it over again.

We purchased the system a month ago and I have mixed feelings about AMP.

The sales tactics are enticing but awful. I'm sorry to say I fell for it. The salesman way oversold the system. He made it sound like they were cutting us a great deal because we would be a "model home" for the neighborhood. I've wanted to install a security system in our home, so I was hesitant to pass on this "opportunity". Only to find out later that it was the standard offer and is way more expensive than the competition! He valued the "free" equipment they were including at over $3,000, but on the final invoice it turned out much less than that, which was frankly dishonest. He also omitted several important details, such as the exorbitantly high cancellation fees, and encouraged me to rush through the contract. The whole process was very rushed, with the implication that this was a one-time opportunity. All of this causes me a lot of stress, especially since I'm now locked into a five year contract with these people! (way too long of a contract btw)

Generally, the equipment itself seems good. The only problem I suspect is that the doorbell doesn't seem to be capturing all motion it should.

My customer service interactions have also been generally been positive, although I have been waiting a while for some documentation I was promised regarding the contract.


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