Crystal Hunter

3 years ago

*Jordana wrote a letter to my ex to be used as he ...

*Jordana wrote a letter to my ex to be used as he pleases with a DETAILED biased account in retaliation for a negative google review. She did this without my permission and didn t even let me know. My ex s attorney let it slip they had a letter from her. She refused to follow privacy laws. What she did is both professionally and morally wrong.

I have filed a complaint and investigation is in process. Proceed at your own risk! Custody matters are sensitive and complex. The callous and irresponsible actions by Jordana are unacceptable.

** Revised review... Changed from (2) stars to (1). Please see pic I posted. It seems as if 3 additional (5) star reviews have mysteriously appeared all within an hour on the same day Co-Parenting Solutions, LLC responded to my (2) star review. Google reviews are supposed to be a way for customers to provide honest feedback.

This is very dishonest and deceiving to potential clients. The additional 3 reviewers have never reviewed any other business and one isn't located in Michigan. :/

Didn t have the best experience.

1. My ex s attorney referred her. First Red flag.
2. She complimented my ex a lot!
3. She completely invalidated my feelings by telling me I was wrong about not being respected as a mother. I ve known my ex almost 20 years and after 2 sessions she seemed to know him in and out? However 2 other therapist had a completely different view
4. She doesn t take insurance at all. It s a complete out of pocket expense
5. As soon as I walked in for a joint session, she s asking me to make changes to our court order by my ex s request.
6. For these reasons, I told her I did not trust her as a co-parenting therapist and wouldn t recommend her.


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