3 years ago

Thank goodness they are closing down, there really...

Thank goodness they are closing down, there really isn't much chance of teaching their current staff force customer service skills.

If you have to greet store staff as a customer first, then you have issues.

Safety tests before use - fine with that. I and my friend was denied even being able to do the test as they had an issue with one of our party moving the gun off centre by what must have been 10 degrees - a range of movement that would have been down range still.

I've served in the Military, trained alongside US servicemen and passed APWT as well as carried live rounds on active duty. Having driven a ton of time out of my way to privilege them with my business, I'm irritated. Reading through the reviews, it shows a common thread of animosity to non US people.

The condescending comment about my military service by the guy that looked like the comic book guy from the Simpsons is ironic.

Glad you guys are out of work at the end the month, I'm sure Silicon Valley could do with a couple of car park litter pickers.


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