3 years ago

Awkward experience at the restaurant to say the le...

Awkward experience at the restaurant to say the least. Went in and waited just like the sign said to be seated. An older lady walks up and just stares at us for a moment, then says "well is there a place you want to sit??" We had no idea she was even talking to us! No "hello" "welcome, how are you doing " literally not a word! Weird! So she gets us a table and doesn't say a word and walks away. Then some other guy shows up and takes our drink order, he comes back with it very promptly, we say thank you and he can't even be bothered to say a single damn word to us. Whatever, we thought, let's look over the menu and try to find something. We start looking at it and then the lady who sat us shows up with two waters?!?! She takes one look at us and huffs and runs off to the kitchen. She then comes back and slaps her order taking pad on the table (without a word to us) Um. Okay? I guess that means you're demanding our order????? So in the short time we had with the menu we just wanted to be done there, but we recanted and ordered a "One trip salad bar" each and then just a combo appetizer platter. The rest of the menu was mainly a variation on a burger patty, variation on different chicken sandwiches and some random actual meals. Then she comes back with the food and we ask politely for a cup of ranch. She runs back and slams it on our table, we say "thank you" and she just keeps running.

Now it seems like maybe this place is short staffed? Only cares about large tables of people ($$$) (since the male waiter was VERY attentive and kind to a large group that came in after us). Then we get a handwritten bill (what century are we in?) And she just leaves. So....do we find the register, wait for her, just NO direction on what to do. Very frustrating and awkward. The clerk at the check stand was decent. We decided to walk through the bar on our way out and the bar tender eyed us up like we were criminals and followed us out the door. Like I said....weird...

This place could be something really unique in the Bighorns, sad to see it like this.

I know that this particular lodge is for sale and the owners are trying to focus on the Elk View Inn, from what we've heard as locals in Sheridan. Can't comment on the lodge, but if it's anything like the restaurant service, you'll never see us stop by.


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