Rene P

4 years ago

Baja Sharkeez SUCKS!

Baja Sharkeez SUCKS!

My girlfriend got a bad vibe from the moment we went up to the bar and had a seat. The female bartender that I swear looks like a friggin Bald Eagle, just completely ignored us for ordering drinks, and then the male bartender wasn't any better when he showed up. I then stood up to get their attention, and was rudely greeted by the bird faced girl, and hurried by her to order our drinks. She gave us the absolute most devoid of alcohol drinks I've ever tasted, pretty much all sparkling water, I took one sip, and gave it to my girl. After seeing other patrons getting more attentive service, I figured, this place apparently caters to the locals mostly, but after seeing the Latina patron standing, waiting, getting ignored as much as we did, I came to the conclusion that perhaps more was at play here, so we warned the Latina that it may be a while before she gets in an order, if she ever does at all, and my girlfriend and I promptly left for greener pastures next door, where we were treated very well.


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