Marie claire Albuquerque

4 years ago

Hello everyone,

Hello everyone,

I want to share with you my beautiful meeting with Cardinal Barbarin.

It was at the end of May 2018, on the occasion of a celebration in honor of the bride and groom of the year. This meeting took place in our magnificent cathedral of Saint John.

The ceremony was very moving, with the presence of all these couples, of all ages and all origins ... So much happiness emanated from them.

After this ceremony, we shared a pot of friendship and the opportunity to approach Cardinal Barbarin, however much in demand. With my daughter-in-law we waited and then our turn arrived.

When I shook hands with the Cardinal, he looked me in the eye, he asked me the question "What's going on? Which of the two is getting married?"
He alternately looked at my daughter-in-law and then me.

In our eyes, he understood that something serious was happening!

Indeed, my husband had just died suddenly, a month before, on April 9, 2018.

This drama had crushed us with grief. My son no longer wanted to get married or rather to party.
This created tension within the couple and also with the parents of my daughter-in-law.
It was also completely understandable, because the preparations were well under way (reservations from providers, payment of the deposit, etc.)

I felt them unhappy.

My son eventually proposed a very restricted marriage without music, but that didn't suit them.

Cardinal Barbarin, we heard.
We felt his support and empathy.

And there a miracle happened!

The Cardinal told us "we must wait a year and a day
Let go all the first few times.
The first Christmas
The first anniversary
The first vacation
Etc "
The wedding had to be postponed for a year.

These words soothed us.
What a relief ! That was the solution !!!

We felt a great moment of lightness of happiness, I saw my daughter-in-law as happy as ever.
We immediately called my son to tell him this good news.

This moment remains unforgettable, we ended our evening on the terrace of a restaurant in Saint Jean.
We were so happy !!

The wedding took place on July 13, 2019.

What a day full of emotions, the joy of happiness and also sadness!
My husband and my son's dad were always present in our hearts and a little bit physically, thanks to his portrait, placed next to the Virgin Mary, near whom the bride and groom placed a bouquet.
It was very moving.

The children had a wedding in their image and my daughter-in-law had the wedding of these dreams, surrounded by our friends and family, so kind to us.

Cardinal Barbarin is a great man, great respect quite simply Thank you.

Yours truly

Marie Claire Albuquerque.


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