Tony Wilkins

4 years ago

I lived in East Lansing during the college years o...

I lived in East Lansing during the college years of the late 90's early 00's and loved Lou and Harry's. I hadn't been back in years and today a group of us went for food and drinks (they didn't serve alcoholic beverages when I was college age) prior to the ND vs MSU game. Our server was very sweet but overwhelmed with how busy it was. Unfortunately, the poor girl had a seizure during a very busy gameday crowded bar/restaurant. Fortunately our group consisted of a nurse and a respiratory therapist that rushed immediately to her aid. The young female server appeared to be ok following her three minute tonic clonic seizure. What was somewhat shocking and disturbing to me was the lack of concern the management/ownership showed towards this young woman. The nurse in our group explained that a seizure similar to the one this young lady had, would typically drain someone's energy so badly that they would sleep for most of a day following a seizure of that magnitude. Instead of insisting this young woman go home, rest, and care for herself, she went back to work serving tables (and limping because she hurt her hip in the fall when she lost consciousness) within 5 minutes of the EMT's leaving. It really upset our group.

The secondary frustration was prior to our waitress's seizure. The kitchen lost our food order. We waited for nearly two hours for our food. The management apologized but did absolutely nothing to compensate us for their lack of handling our order effectively. Not that anybody wouldn't help out, but with the initial problem with the food order and then the way our group aided this young woman during her seizure, I would think they would have completely comp'd the tab. There were four of us, one of us is a manager in hospitality services, the nurse, a respiratory therapist, and a medical equipment salesperson and none of us could believe that not even a free drink was offered.

In spite of the nurse and respiratory therapist helping to make sure their server was safe, simply making customers wait for nearly two hours for their food is ridiculous. Fortunately the company of our group was great and we were having a good time together.

In spite of the frustrations, we are all hoping and praying our server is safe and that she at least made out with some great money completing her shift.

Sadly, I don't think any of us will ever go back.


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